Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sexiest Bridge in NH?

Nissitissit Bridge (say that three times fast)

Ellen and I only recently learned that there was a covered bridge in Brookline.  It wasn't on any of the lists that we found, but after a night out with some colleagues, we added bridge 65 to our to do list!

Upon research, we found that the Nissitissit Bridge in Brookline is a pedestrian bridge that was named one of the Sexiest Places in America by Cosmopolitan Magazine in 2006.  It was named one of the best places to kiss. This sounded right to us, because covered bridges are also known as "kissing bridges" or "romantic shelters".

We were really excited.  This was our 44th bridge, and we were about to see the sexiest one!
So you can imagine our disappointment when we turned onto Mason Road and saw this:

Really, Cosmo? This is a sexy bridge? 

After a few minutes of documentation, we were shocked again when we looked out and saw another covered bridge across the street!

Turns out the little bridge that we saw first is a model of the actual Nissitissit Bridge....

This is the sexy bridge!

It feels very secluded for being so close to the road.  This could be why we found evidence of hanky panky on this bridge.

Ellen couldn't resist checking out under the bridge.

So glad we found this one!  Maybe there are more...

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